Monday, August 24, 2015

I Couldn't Be More Thankful

Tonight was another night of God’s incredible faithfulness.  Every day, I am blown away by His love.

I was invited to a college student and young adult Bible study at a friend’s house this evening.  I had a really long day, after a weekend that didn’t involve lots of rest, so I really debated going.  But eventually, I did go, and I was so thankful that I did. 

For the study, we talked about the story of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15.  They had been looking at this passage for the last 6 weeks or so, and I caught them on the last night of talking about this passage.  Our leader went through each of the different characters of the story and talked about the characteristics of each one.  The Father- patient, forgiving, loving.  The younger son- rebellious, adventurous, lost.  The older son- jealous, empty, lonely.  I have heard this story for many years, so these emotions were nothing new. 

To end the study, though, we went around and shared which character stuck out the most to us in the story.  And as I sat there and listened to everyone’s stories, some in English, some in a different language, some through translation, I was so thankful.  There were 10 people in the room, including myself, and each person had such a powerful story of the way God has worked in his or her life.  One person shared about how she felt like the jealous and angry older son after the passing of a close family member.  Another shared about a time when she was the younger son, looking for meaning in the wrong places.  I shared about the Father, as I have felt such a new depth of His love in the time I have been here.  And when everyone had finished sharing, I felt such an incredible sense of peace in the room, a peace that only comes from God.  Everyone’s story led to the conclusion that the Father’s love is so much greater than we can ever imagine.  He brings meaning through the pain, He brings love to the lost, and He brings peace to the angry and jealous.  After the study, we all shared a meal together and shared how God was working in the ministries He has called us to.  And in that room, the whole way around the world, with ten people of three different nationalities, two languages, and one God, I got a new glimpse of just how big our God is. 

I’m thousands of miles away from home, but tonight I formed relationships with people that have quickly felt like family.   An older lady invited me back to her house to learn to make traditional food, a local fabric manufacturer offered to take me shopping to help me decorate my apartment, another single guy gave me his number and told me to message him anytime I needed anything or wanted a brother to talk to, and a newly wed couple felt sad that they were leaving our town and were not able to get to know me better.  God’s love has a way of bringing people together in a way that is beyond words, and I experienced that tonight. 

It would be very easy for me to feel stressed, overwhelmed, lonely, and out-of-place here.  There is so much work to do, so many lessons to plan, and so many new cultural things to experience and learn.  But through moments like tonight, I can see so clearly that God’s love is going before me.  I know He has me here for a reason, and I know His love is stronger than I can ever imagine.   There are days that are tough, but I know that I can do anything through His strength. 

These moments have happened so often since I have been here, and it is so incredible to see God’s love at work in such powerful ways.  I look back on the last month and I am so thankful- there’s no other emotion to describe such a smooth transition into such a new place.  God is clearly going before me, preparing my heart and the hearts of the people around me, and I know He is in the process of doing some amazing things at the school and in the lives of those I interact with in the community.  It is such a humbling feeling to know He chose me to be the one to bring His love to these people.  I couldn’t be more thankful.  

Luke Forshey
August 24, 2015

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