Saturday, August 8, 2015

Are You the Christian You Want Them to See?

Tonight was an awesome night, definitely the most spiritually powerful one I've had in this country yet.

Last Sunday, I went to a local church with a family from school.  I really enjoyed the worship, and I met some of the band members after the service.  One of the guys in the band was a college student, just a few years younger than me, so we connected over Facebook, and he asked me to come to their next praise band rehearsal on Saturday.  I said I would be excited to join them.

Tonight, he picked me up, and we went to the rehearsal.  The first thing I noticed was they used zero music.  Everything was memorized, except for the lyrics, and the vocalists were the only ones who used the lyrics.  The vocalist said “Let’s play this in a higher key,” so they switched keys.  If the vocalist wanted a different feel, they changed that too.  The lead vocalist signaled where to go by either 1 finger behind her back (for verse) or 2 fingers behind her back (for chorus).  They led their whole service like this.  The only thing decided before rehearsal was the lyrics that will be sung.  It was incredible.  Not only were these musicians so talented on their individual instruments, but they had such a feel and chemistry through the team.  I got to play my trumpet in the band, and I was very thankful to join a team of such talented musicians!

After the rehearsal, there was a church prayer service.  Now, when I think of a prayer service in the States, I think of a few people, maybe 6-8, who sit in a circle and share prayer requests and then “popcorn prayer” around the circle, with one person starting and another ending.  It isn’t an important part of the church community; only the elders or experienced members of the church bother to attend.  Well the prayer service at this church was the polar opposite. 

Now, I am still struggling with the language in my current county.  The members of the worship team spoke very clear English, so I was able to communicate with them quite well, but the service was all in a different language.  There were a few worship songs, a sermon, and then a time of prayer.  Through this whole service, which lasted about an hour, I recognized about 4 phrases: “Thank you Jesus,” “Come fill this country,” “Bless this city,” and a reference to the verse “When 2 or more are gathered in your name, there you will be also.”  All of these phrases combined happened maybe 10-12 times through the hour.  I was so lost through the majority.  But I was blown away by the faith of these people. 

First off, about everyone in the church congregation came to the prayer service.  It was so important for them to be together and lift up the needs of their community and their country.  During the service, there was yelling, screaming, dancing around, and group prayer.  I didn’t understand any of it, but I could see it.  I could see that their praise was real.  I could feel the Spirit in that place.  They truly meant what they believed.  They weren’t hesitant to proclaim that Jesus is Lord of their lives.  They weren’t afraid to worship in an extremely oppressed area, where it isn’t extremely safe to profess to be a Christian.  They were worshipping God with all they had.  And even though I didn’t understand many of the words of the service, I could see their heart.  I saw such an incredible picture of how God wants us to worship Him; completely unhindered, a million percent devoted, and zero percent ashamed.  What a powerful picture, a picture that transcends words. 

I was really challenged tonight.  Even when I didn’t understand many words of their service, I could see their faith.  I could see their devotion to God.  I could see their love, and I wanted some of that.  I wanted to be a part of the incredible transformation that God has done in their lives, and I am so thankful for the chance to worship with these beautiful people through the next year. 

So I challenge you, are you living your life so devoted to God that everyone around you can see the passion and the fire you have?  Words are so secondary to the work God is doing in your life.  I think back to St. Francis of Assisi’s quote “Preach the Gospel at all times.  Use words if necessary.”  These people were preaching the Gospel through their lives, and I have a new picture of how God wants us to live our lives.   

People are watching you, me, and all of us who profess to be Christians.  Our lives are the most powerful influence we have. 

Are you the Christian you want them to see?

Luke Forshey
August 8, 2015

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