Friday, January 1, 2016

Challenge of 2016

To say that 2015 has been a year of change would be an understatement.  I started student teaching, graduated college, moved to the South Pacific, and began my first teaching position- all within about 6 months.  These experiences have each had their challenges, but also incredible joy that comes with the challenges of growing up and moving away.

Many people have asked, since I have been here, what have I learned most about myself through this experience.  I completely believe that each person should spend at least a year living outside of his or her home country; living away has taught me so much about myself, the beautiful people around the world, and God’s love, that I wouldn’t have experienced if I was still in my “comfort zone” at home.  So to answer many of your questions, these are 15 things I’ve learned throughout 2015.  I pray that many of these statements these can challenge you and inspire you to make 2016 even better than 2015. 

1. Cherish the people around you, for you never know when their time will pass. 
2. Change is a part of life; embrace it, don’t run from it.
3. You know who your true friends are by the ones who care enough to ask questions. 
4. The world is a beautiful place; you are missing out if you don’t take time to explore it.
5. Don’t let the fear of failure keep you from taking the next step. 
6. Security should not come from earthly things; instead, security must come from inside.
7. Every person you meet has a story; embrace the role you play in each person’s. 
8. Regardless of culture, religion, or locational differences, all people want to be loved.
9. You only ever see a fraction of the reward, but seeing that fraction makes all the effort worth it.
10. There is always a positive in every negative situation.
11. No amount of pain will ever break you if you don’t let it. 
12. Perspective and mindset make all the difference. 
13. As long as you are living in Christ, you will never regret making a new friend.
14. Life is short; live, love, and laugh as much as you can. 
15. Jesus is the one constant through a life of change and uncertainty. 

Thank you for all of your love and support throughout this year.  Overall, 2015 was a great year, a growing year, and a trying year, but nonetheless, so special.  I am looking forward to seeing what God has in store for 2016.

Praying blessings on your new year!  May it be filled to overflowing with the joy of Christ. 

Luke Forshey
January 2, 2016

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