Monday, July 6, 2015

Inside Out (Spoiler Alert!)

Some days, life is wonderful.  Other days, life can be really hard.  And some days, you have such an incredible mix of both that it is truly beautiful in God’s time.  Today, and especially these last couple of days, have been such a mix of both.

Last Saturday, I returned from a family vacation.  We went camping to the PA Grand Canyon, and minus a little bit of rain (more like 3 inches of water flooding our campsite and causing us to leave early), it was a wonderful time.  We took a 17-mile bike ride through the canyon, with various stops for hiking and sightseeing, played many games of volleyball, and spent lots of time together.  This was really special, as it will be the last time that my family had an extended time together. 

The next day, we went to church together and lunch afterwards, but after lunch we all went separate ways.  My sisters went to church for drama practice, while Mom was busy running errands around the house and Dad was busy fixing the water heater that broke while we were away.  I was left to do my own thing, which was great because I had a lot to get done for my trip as well.  But this time Sunday afternoon was the first time that I really felt saddened by the drifting apart of family.  We just had such a great trip together, but then reality hit that our lives all take different paths.  We’re all doing so many great things, and I am excited and proud of each and every person in my family for the ways they show God through their life, but it still doesn’t make it any easier.  We are called to different things, and especially going into this next year, these different things cause us to be apart from each other.

On Sunday evening, I drove to visit some friends from Messiah who live out in Pittsburgh.  It was wonderful to see them again.  They showed me around their small town, and then we went into the city and visited a jazz club in the evening.  But reality set in that evening, as it came time to say goodbye for one of these friends, and blasting “See You Again” by Wiz Khalifa and hugging and crying together didn’t take away the pain that being separated will cause through the next year. 

On Tuesday morning, it came time to drive to Nashville to help one of these friends move into her new place.  We got up early and finished packing, and shortly thereafter we began the ten-hour trek to the heart of Nashville.  It was a great trip!  We talked about the last couple of months since graduation, laughed and prayed together, shared some new music, had delicious lunch at Dairy Queen, and we even stopped at Abe Lincoln’s birthplace for a little travel break.  When we got to Nashville, we met up with another friend who lives a couple of hours south, and it was great to have my friends from Messiah and from home meet each other.  That night, we went to the tourist district of Nashville and then met some new friends to stay in their apartment.  But the morning came, and another goodbye came, as I had to say bye to one of my closest friends from Messiah for at least the next year.    

But the trip continued!  That day, I was heading down to Lookout Mountain, Georgia to spend a week with a close friend before I left.  We had so many fun things planned; a Phillies baseball game at the Atlanta Braves stadium, a hiking trip to a state park in Alabama, a 4th of July celebration at her friend’s house, and a couple of little side trips.  It was so great to see her again, and all of our adventures were fun.  But reality set in again, as this week is my last week before training and also the last time I will see her before being separated from one of my closest friends for the next year.  Add in a bunch of drama between her friends and herself, my visa application being rejected (while my passport is back in PA and I am not), and a lot of mixed emotions about leaving, and it has been a trying week.  A good week that had many moments of fun and joy, but definitely not smooth or uneventful.

Before this whole trip started, I had the opportunity to go see Inside Out with a couple of friends from home.  I really enjoyed it; I thought the idea was cute, the storyline flowed logically, and the message at the end was extremely relevant to what I have been feeling.  At the end, there is no one emotion that wins out; instead they realize that all emotions are needed to create a more beautiful story of someone’s life.  As I prepare myself to leave for training within the week and the South Pacific by the end of the month, I realize how much truth this simple movie has in it.  When someone asks how I’m feeling about the trip, it’s very easy to say that I’m excited and extremely looking forward to it, because I really am!  It’s going to be such a great experience, and I am so thankful for the opportunity.  But at the same time, the sadness and pain is starting to set in as well.  I have so many wonderful people here that I am going to miss so much, and a year away from home is a really long time.  I know this is God’s plan for my life at this point, but that fact still doesn’t make it any easier.

So many emotions are filling my mind right now.  There are so many people I’m going to miss, yet so many wonderful experiences await me.  The combination of joy and sadness, fear and excitement, is what makes life so exciting.  Just as the characters in Inside Out realized, all of these emotions form together to create such a beautiful picture of life, and life would not be as colorful if all of these different emotions didn’t exist.  Although these emotions come with their share of nervousness and fear, I am so excited to see how this beautiful picture unfolds through the next year. 

Thank you for following this journey and reading my thoughts!  Your support means so much to me.  As I get ready to leave for training next Sunday, please pray for:
            -The documents I need for my visa application to come in a timely manner.
            -Continued fundraising support.
            -Emotions of leaving friends and family.
            -Safe travels throughout the country over the next week. 

God bless you all!

Luke Forshey
July 6, 2015